Himchan and Younha

So lately, over the past few days, as I was familiarizing myself with B.A.P through various interviews, reality programs, and appearances on shows, I couldn't help but notice something strange going on between Himchan and Younha, or rather, with Himchan, when he's near Younha. So far, from what I know and have seen, I can conclude that Himchan may be the player type. I'm not completely sure about this, but I just get that kind of feeling about him. And from the B.A.P appearances that I've seen so far, I can see that he had the eyes for Younha for a while, mostly during their "No Mercy" promotions.

This started when I watched the 499th episode special of Younha's "Starry Night," when Secret and B.A.P both guested on the show. Fortunately, I was able to find a viewable version of it, and I was able to notice the way Himchan kept on looking at Younha, how his gaze always seemed to be directed towards her, and even Younha kept on saying, "stop looking at me!" and she made fun of his eyes, haha. It was really noticeable, I think, I'm surprised it hasn't been such a hot issue (or has it, but it escaped me, since it happened several months ago). I thought it was kind of cute, and I could feel Younha felt kind of uncomfortable, and made several gestures to reject him (lol).

I also have to mention how all of the B.A.P member seemed to show a lot of respect towards Younha, and it seemed like some of them (Daehyun and Youngjae) seemed to be in love with her (just my fangirl side speaking, don't hate). She is attractive, with her charming looks and with an IQ of 153 (I actually memorized that, not on purpose), but I think they were just in love with the way she talked so well on the radio. It was so weird, like, when Hyosung was speaking and made some kind of mistake, it seemed like Daehyun and Youngjae was making fun of her, and not in the good way. She was like, "아하, 아하" (you know in the cute kind of way) - I don't remember what she said - and made a 말 실수, and they were like, "what did she say?" kind of 비웃어. It seemed like they didn't have a good impression of her, despite her being part of their TS family, and all. I think, out of all the Secret members, they would most like Sunhwa, and then there's Zinger, who I don't think they have an impression of, good or bad, and Ji Eun, I think they're all right with her, she seemed like Daehyun's vocal buddy. I think I'll write another post about my current impressions of the B.A.P members, but right here, I'll just say that Daehyun and Youngjae are kind of the "strong" type. I'll explain later.

Yeah, so back to the main topic at hand. So, after getting that weird feeling I had with Himchan and Younha, I looked back at their appearances on Beatles Code, and I could not believe how I hadn't noticed it. I'd already watched it before, when I wasn't as familiar with B.A.P, and the evidence was very clear and obvious. There wasn't one shot of Himchan where he wasn't looking at Younha. Seriously. And that sort of proved my theory. And then there was one of B.A.P's many appearances on Starry Night, where Himchan picked Younha as his ideal type, and although it was kind of kissing up to the radio DJ, it seemed like it was also out of his heart. He was like, looking at the members and his face was "what?"

Then, with more research, I found out that the two of them, Himchan and Younha, did a little radio skit for a week, called "연하와 윤하의 사이." It was basically a story of how the two would meet and date in a kind of other reality. Here's a brief timeline of some of their encounterings with each other, below. And let's not forget, B.A.P and Younha apparently go to the same hair salon. Oh, the possibilities of a fan-fic that might actually be reality! :D

120214 - Younha's Starry Night (first)
120528 - 연하와 윤하의 사이
120529 - Younha's Starry Night
-Himchan picks Younha as ideal type
120806 - Younha's Starry Night
120903 - Beatles Code
120912 - Younha's Starry Night (special with Secret)

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